Campaign Update

Second stretchgoal unlocked! (+ Video erratum, + New stretchgoals!)

WOW. Second stretchgoal unlocked, which means ALL of you who got the book will also get this pin! :D

Hard enamel pin prototypeHard enamel pin prototype

 I'm really overwhelmed by all your support - to think that this book that gathers knowledge of such niche topics would capture the interest of so many people... it's quite unbelievable. In a way, it fills me with hope - seeing that there are people out there who chase this knowledge, seeing that I'm not a lonely wanderer - but that we're a big travelling company. 
Thank you for the faith you're putting in this book!

• Video erratum: people have messaged me about the "Double the magic" reward (the one with 2 bookS). YES, it includes the video tutorial as well :) I just forgot to write it in the description (I knew I would overlook something!)! 

• New stretchgoals: it's time to start thinking about new stretchgoals now that you've unlocked the first 2. I already have a couple of ideas, but I would like to hear your opinion as well! Stickers, extra print/postcard, extra artwork in the book? Let me know and I'll consider it!

november 9, 2018


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